Thursday, January 22, 2009

U.S. Financial Crisis

1/20/2009 - No matter how much we rant and rave or how apathetic some of us may be, unless you take some of your precious time and get informed, nothing will change in Washington. Senators and Representives in the house very much care what you think. If you don't take the time to tell them, then their "assumption" is that you agree with what they are doing, how they are voting, and therefore YOU are happy with the job they are doing. Like it or not, these roughly 205 people effectively run this country although there are few billionaires/millionaires that figure into the 205 through influence via PAC's. If you don't know what PAC stands for, you should not be blogging here, that is not an insult, just a fact of life.


2/20/2009 - Well, I guess you know by now the Dem's got their 789 billion bailout with help in Congress of three republicans. We now also know these politicians are blowing smoke up the proverbial American skirt! This 789 billion will do nothing but line some fat cat's pockets, make some ne'r do well politicians look good for five minutes while the cameras flash. The only thing that is going to replenish this economy is to.......wait for it........LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!

This market Americans created and EVERYONE else copied, is a magical thing, it lives and breathes on it's own with no help from any hotshot CEO or politician, anywhere. You can't explain it, decipher it, or understand it, it just IS.

When "speculators" try to curb the market in oil futures we should line them up and shoot them to discourage anyone else from "speculating"!! The market is alive and people just need to trade their stocks and bonds, buy whatever futures they think will make them a buck, take their lumps and profits as the market sees fit to reward them.

Bailout -Smailout! - If a car company 50 years ago went crying to Congress for money they would have been laughed out of Washington and told to go retool their lines and make washers and dryers! CEO's are useless tools in any company UNLESS they willingly hold the line of spending at all levels. They have to be the conservative voice of any company. If they have to have a Gulfstream V to fly back and forth from wherever, then the stock holders should kick them out on their behinds!


More on 3/20/2009